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PROTECT: Women's Self Defense - 221600

Develop awareness, strength and self-confidence by participating in PROTECT: Womens Self Defense. This 2-hour class provides information on home, vehicle and personal safety. Learn hands-on techniques to defend yourself in a dangerous situation. This includes hands on training covering low level self-defense moves and simulated self-defense situations.

Develop awareness, strength, and self-confidence by participating in PROTECT: Womens Self Defense. This 2-hour class provides information on home, vehicle, and personal safety. Learn hands-on techniques to defend yourself in a dangerous situation. This includes hands on training covering low level self-defense moves and simulated self-defense situations.
1 Sections
Column #1 Activity # Description Dates Times Days Location Ages Cost (PRE/BAS/MR/NR) Availability Column #11
Unavailable 221600-20 PROTECT: Women's Self Defense 05/09/2024 -05/09/2024 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Th Mason Municipal Aquatic Center 14-99 Unavailable