Intermediate Gymnastics - 532500
Intermediate Gymnastics
Intermediate Gymnastics
Students in this class have mastered the skills in Beginners and are working on back handsprings. Higher level skills and routines, as well as fitness, flexibility, and strength will be taught.
Always Charge:
Premier Membership Standard Fee (Standard Fee): $108.00 = $108.00
Continuous Enrollment:
Premier Membership (Installment Bill Fee): $108.00 = $108.00
Always Charge:
Basic Membership Standard Fee (Standard Fee): $128.00 = $128.00
Continuous Enrollment:
Basic Membership (Installment Bill Fee): $128.00 = $128.00
Always Charge:
Non Resident Standard Fee (Standard Fee): $178.00 = $178.00
Continuous Enrollment:
Non Resident (Installment Bill Fee): $178.00 = $178.00
Always Charge:
Mason Resident Standard Fee (Standard Fee): $153.00 = $153.00
Continuous Enrollment:
Mason Resident (Installment Bill Fee): $153.00 = $153.00